Experts are not sure what causes anorexia. There are several factors involved in the development of anorexia, but there is no on thing that you can point a finger at and say that is the cause. We will discuss three areas that may be part of the trigger for the eating disorder called anorexia. The three areas are genetics, psychological and cultural.




There is some evidence that genetics may play a role in the development of this disease. Although, it is not clear just how that plays out. It has been shown that if there are other family members who have experienced an eating disorder then the chance of you contracting this disorder are higher.


Researchers do not know if it is a different gene that causes the problems or if it is a genetic tendency towards perfectionism and self-esteem issues. And, it has been suggested that a chemical imbalance could be part of the problem.




Those who experience an eating disorder tend to be perfectionist, which gives them desire to follow the thought that they are fat to the extreme of being excessively thin. Perfectionism is a disorder all its own. It can either drive you to not do anything, because you cannot ever do a thing perfectly, so better to not do it. Or, if you do something you have to keep working on it, continually trying to reach a level of perfect that cannot be reached in your mind.


They are, many times, excessive compulsive which gives them the drive, the want to, to follow a strict regimen of diet, exercise and weight loss.


Add all this with the fact that many of these people have a low self-esteem and it makes a very bad recipe for life. If you feel like you are worth less than your peers you will try to do anything to raise that worth. In our society being thin is a prize to be strived for.


All of these traits together make it very difficult for the person who has this disorder to rise out of the mental state they have and return to normal.




As mentioned above, our culture is one that prizes have a slender body. The people who are status setters portray this false image that you must be slim and beautiful to have worth in our culture. Health is also associated with slimness. While, it is true that one should not be overweight, it is also true that you can overdue the weight loss and become unhealthy from malnutrition.


As you can see there is more to the cause of anorexia than can be easily explained. It is a very complicated disease. I hope that by reading this article it will give you some areas of your own life to look into and help you to see what causes anorexia and seek the help you need to avoid or heal from this disease.


Anorexia requires help from outside of yourself. For help in fighting this disease please anorexia Click Here!. If you would like a website to visit go to .